Naresh + Amanda's Proposal
Naresh: The first spark was our office summer party. We'd seen each other around the office but this was the first time we'd properly spoken to each other. Even though we were surrounded by our colleagues, we spent majority of the night talking to each other.
Naresh: As we both worked in the same office, we exchanged pleasantries around the office but the first proper convo was at said summer party. We spoke about all sorts as we'd both had quite a few drinks that evening.
Amanda: The way we were introduced to each other was by a mutual colleague who had just moved into my team. So Naresh would use any excuse to come over and see said colleague to speak to me! Over time we got to know each other well and saw each other more often, like at work drinks
Amanda: We had got together just before covid and even managed to squeeze our first holiday together before lockdown started. This holiday was the longest time we'd spent together and I really started to fall for him. During lockdown we would spend ages talking over the phones and even though it was tough not seeing each other, we both made the most of it. I realised he was the one when I was explaining to my friends how our relationship was and whilst describing him, I knew how crazy I was for him.
Amanda: Proposal build up - i did not see this coming one bit. It was the best surprise of my life! We had gone ring shopping a couple of months earlier but it was not on my mind at all that he would propose on our trip to Italy. Our work colleagues would joke around before this holiday that I would come back engaged and obviously I shut them down. Naresh, knowing this, did an excellent job of telling me as soon as we landed that he wasn't going to propose despite everyone maybe getting my hopes up. I fully believed this and the proposal was not on my mind one bit.
Naresh: This was honestly one of the most stressful moments in my life. On the day, there were road closures preventing us from getting a bus to the proposal spot. So we had to squeeze into a taxi with a load of complete strangers, and somehow force our way to the villa. The photographer I hired, who is also a friend, had arrived there a few hours earlier, and scoped out where she'd hide to capture the special moment. When we got to the exact spot, I didn't waste any time, and as we were getting ready to take a picture, I got down on one knee. I decided not to say a speech, and instead asked the all important question, and as much as I hated the idea of proposing in public, there were onlookers who cheered through the moment. It will always be one of our favourite memories, and we both hope to go back to the Amalfi coast in the future.
Amanda: This proposal was absolutely perfect and I wouldn't change it one bit. It was so perfect and the ring was exactly as I had imagined.