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Sarah and Victor Hike Proposal.PNG

Sarah + Victor

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1) The First Spark

Victor:  Sarah and I met at university. We were part of the same larger friend group, always around each other but never really close. She was the girl who could make a whole room laugh, the one everyone naturally gravitated towards. I liked her energy, but life moved on after uni—we went our separate ways, built our own lives. Then, during Covid, I was stuck indoors, scrolling through old photos, reminiscing. I came across a picture from a uni night out, one where Sarah and I were in the background, mid-laugh. On impulse, I sent her a message: “Hey, long time no speak. How’s lockdown treating you?” I didn’t think much of it at the time. But that one message changed everything.


2) The First Conversation

Sarah: When I saw Victor’s name pop up, I was surprised but happy. We hadn’t spoken in years, and yet our conversation flowed like no time had passed. What started as a quick catch-up turned into an all-night chat. We talked about everything—our careers, the weird things we’d started doing in lockdown (he had become a coffee snob, I was obsessed with baking banana bread), and all the things we missed about life before Covid. One conversation turned into another, then another. Soon, he was the first person I wanted to talk to in the morning and the last person I messaged at night.


3) Falling for her 

Victor: I don’t think there was one defining moment when I fell for Sarah—it was more like a series of small moments that built into something undeniable. The way she made me laugh when everything felt bleak. The way she listened, really listened, even when I was just rambling about something ridiculous. The way she’d remember tiny details from our conversations and bring them up weeks later. And then there was the first time we saw each other again in person after lockdown. I remember watching her walk towards me, her face lighting up in that way it always did, and thinking, Yeah, I’m in trouble.


4) The Moment I Knew He was the One

Sarah: It hit me in the most unexpected way. I was on a call with my friends, telling them about Victor, how we’d reconnected, how things had been going. And as I was describing him—his kindness, his humour, how safe I felt with him—I just stopped mid-sentence. Because I realised: I love him. I hadn’t even told Victor yet, but in that moment, I knew there was no one else I wanted to spend my life with.


5) The Proposal Build-Up

Victor: Once I knew I wanted to marry Sarah, the challenge was figuring out how to surprise her. She’s sharp—she catches onto everything. I had to throw her off the scent. We had a trip planned to the Lake District, something simple and low-key, just how we like it. Before we left, she made a joke about how people would probably expect a proposal on a trip like this, and I laughed it off, saying, “Don’t get your hopes up.” Little did she know, I already had the ring.


6) The Proposal

Sarah: Victor somehow convinced me to go on an early morning hike, which should have been my first clue because neither of us are morning people. But there we were, watching the sun rise over the lake, just the two of us. I was admiring the view when he suddenly pulled me close. “Do you remember our first lockdown call?” he asked. I smiled. “Of course.” “Back then, I didn’t know what the future held. But I knew I never wanted to stop talking to you.” And then, just like that, he was on one knee, holding out a ring that was exactly what I would have chosen for myself. I don’t even think I let him finish asking the question before I said yes.


7) Closing Thoughts

Victor: Looking back, it’s crazy to think that one message changed the course of our lives. We were just two uni friends who had lost touch, living completely separate lives, and yet somehow, we found our way back to each other at exactly the right time. Fate, timing, or just dumb luck—whatever it was, I’m grateful every single day.

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